Slow IT | The Fifth Conference: "Most hesitant consumers of fast food will agree that the Slow Food movement has a point. That burger may look very appealing initially but seldom does one feel fulfilled afterwards. As Ron Tolido sees it, the consumption of technology can leave a similar feeling of dissatisfaction. We may consume a vast amount of information daily, but did we learn anything useful or valuable? In fact, did we actually even ‘think’ today? Today’s technology and communication tools have obvious benefits, but have we thought through how we best interact with that technology? A similar line of questioning can be levelled at the producers of technology, since it is they who are creating the IT equivalent of fast food. According to Ron Tolido, too many CIOs are losing sight of strategy and architecture, and instead are caught up in a never ending rat race to keep up with the latest hype. Technology products also often miss the point. Winning products do not necessarily have the most features and functions. On the contrary, their appeal is often rooted in their simplicity."